Ms. LaVerne's English 10 Classroom Website

Welcome to Ms. La Verne's page for 10th grade English!

My name is Allison La Verne, and I will be expoloring the world of books, plays, poems, short stories, writing, reading, and every other aspect of 10th grade English with you this year!  I received a Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing from SUNY Brockport, and then I finished a Master's Degree in Secondary English Education and Special Education at LeMoyne College.  I'm excited to get to know each and every one of you over the course of the school year!  Come into class ready to work hard, have fun, and learn more about yourselves and the world around you!
My Philosophy of Education
 My teaching philosophy involves creating materials for typical students and students with disabilities.  I feel as though aspects of the English curriculum can and should weave back to the personal lives of each student.  This may be achieved through reading a mystery novel, interpreting a love poem, or delving into all areas of creative writing.  By implementing differentiated instruction, students from various backgrounds with every level of academic ability will be given a chance to succeed.  That form of instruction coupled with my passion for creative writing and reading will create a classroom envrionment conducive to learning, imagining, questioning, and creating.  I strongly believe that adaptations made to teach students with disabilities should cross over into the general education classroom.  If these adapataion are made to help stimulate students' learning, why not introduce them to every child in school?  Benefits from special education and general education should bridge together to help both classrooms thrive.
On this site, you will find:
 Classroom Expectations
Classroom To-Do
Course Content
Grading/Attendance Policies
Daily Homework Assignments
                                                                  AND MORE!!!